Sonntag, 6. März 2011

Artists Profile


Helen Omamo Gomaz presents her painting `Mother Love` during a Vernissage on the occasion of the 2011 International Womans Day Celebrations in Frankfurt.

Helen Omamo - Gomaz comes from Kenia and is living since 20 years in Germany. For her paintings in oil on canvas of african motives she prefers the bright colours of the sunshine of African desert and savannah landscapes. Most of her artworks show African woman who`s strenght and spirit of life shares and fascinate the painteress. In her paintings Helen Omamo tries to give a hommage to the common sense of these woman. She also hopes, that her message of a free thinking spirit of love and happyness is promoted by her artwork. Helen Omamo doesn`t intent a deeper analyzis of her paintings contents but pretends to reach emotionally the beholders soul and spirit.

Helen Omamo lives and works actually in Frankfurt.



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